war metal
Albums scraped2021-12-03T01:08:34.894Z
Last updated2022-02-12T10:42:46.423Z
Released at
41Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom1990-08
30Blasphemy - Gods Of War1993-07-06
17Archgoat - Angelcunt (Tales of Desecration)1993
92Abhorer - Upheaval Of Blasphemy1994
93Abominator - Subversives for Lucifer2001-09-10
74Black Witchery - Desecration Of The Holy Kingdom2001-09
49Axis of Advance - Strike2001-11
40Revenge - Attack.Blood.Revenge2001
25Vomitor - Bleeding the Priest2002
6Revenge - Triumph.Genocide.Antichrist2003-01-06
38Axis of Advance - Obey2004-09
84Revenge - Victory.Intolerance.Mastery2004-09
36Goatpenis - Inhumanization2004-10-30
46Morbosidad - Cojete A Dios Por El Culo2004
70Infernal War - Infernal War2004
32Sabaton - Primo Victoria2005-03-04
67Cobalt - War Metal2005-04-28
88Rites Of Thy Degringolade - An Ode To Sin2005-10-25
34Proclamation - Advent Of The Black Omen2006-06-25
22Sabaton - Attero Dominatus2006-07-28
5Archgoat - Whore of Bethlehem2006-09-09
44Bestial Raids - Reversed Black Trinity2007-04-30
73Viking Skull - Chapter Two2007-09-08
76Wulfgar - With Gods And Legends Unite2007-09-12
20Diocletian - Decimator2007-10
26Truppensturm - Fields of Devastation2007-12-12
89Sabaton - Masters Of The World2007
37Proclamation - Messiah Of Darkness And Impurity2008-01-30
58Diocletian - Sect of Swords2008-02-18
10Revenge - Infiltration.Downfall.Death2008-02-25
11Sabaton - The Art of War2008-05-30
66Baphomets Horns - Perpetrators Of Genocide2008-06-15
28Blasphemophagher - Nuclear Empire of Apocalypse2008-09-15
27Viking Skull - Doom, Gloom, Heartache & Whiskey2008-11-03
59Perversor - Cult of Destruction2008-12-18
56Archgoat - The Light-Devouring Darkness2009-02-07
24Teitanblood - Seven Chalices2009-03-27
9Diocletian - Doom Cult2009-05-18
48Proclamation - Execration of Cruel Beastiality2009-08-03
96Conqueror - Songs from E.P. (Edizione Limitata + Live)2009-09-30
83Nocturnal Blood - Invocation Of Spirits2010-01-19
86Stworz - Synowie Słońca2010-04-21
31Sabaton - Coat of Arms2010-05-21
29Truppensturm - Salute To The Iron Emperors2010-05-31
98Sadomator - Goatblood Panspermia2010-06-28
55Eastern Front - Blood on Snow2010-09-13
2Sabaton - The Art Of War (Re-Armed)2010-09-24
3Sabaton - Primo Victoria (Re-Armed)2010-09-24
4Sabaton - Attero Dominatus (Re-Armed)2010-09-24
14Sabaton - Metalizer (Re-Armed)2010-09-24
7Black Witchery - Inferno of Sacred Destruction2010-09
21Diocletian - War of All Against All2010-10-01
99Sabaton - World War Live - Battle of the Baltic Sea2011-08-05
43Bestial Raids - Prime Evil Damnation2011-10-03
15Antediluvian - Through the Cervix of Hawaah2011-11-11
42Proclamation - Nether Tombs of Abaddon2012-01-25
79Revenge - Scum.Collapse.Eradication2012-02-20
75Pseudogod - Deathwomb Catechesis2012-04-24
12Teitanblood - Woven Black Arteries2012-08-24
81Revenge - Retaliation.Doom.Eradication2012
80Sabaton - Swedish Empire Live2013-09-20
23Sabaton - Resist And Bite2014-05-02
8Diocletian - Gesundrian2014-05-13
94Civil War - Gods And Generals2015-05-08
85Deiphago - Into the Eye of Satan2015-06-01
71Destruktor - Opprobrium2015-07-24
90Pissgrave - Suicide Euphoria2015-08-04
87Revenge - Behold.Total.Rejection2015-11-13
45Abysmal Lord - Disciples of the Inferno2015-11-27
39Archgoat - Messe des Morts/Angelcunt (Tales of Desecration)2015
50Sabaton - The Last Stand2016-08-19
1Sabaton - In the Army Now2016-10-14
47Death Worship - Extermination Mass2016-11-04
53Bestial Raids - Master Satan's Witchery2016-11-14
18Blasphemy - Blood Upon the Altar2017-01-01
82Crurifragium - Beasts of the Temple of Satan2017-02-03
64Possession - Exorkizein2017-04-07
72Weregoat - Pestilential Rites of Infernal Fornication2017-05-05
57Heresiarch - Death Ordinance2017-07-07
51Antichrist Siege Machine - Morbid Triumph2017-08-25
100Goatpenis - Anesthetic Vapor2017-10-15
65Tetragrammacide - Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix2017-11-03
78BLOOD CHALICE - Sepulchral chants of self-destruction2018-01-31
77Aparthiva Raktadhara - Agyat Ishvar2018-05-18
95Blasphamagoatachrist - Black Metal Warfare2018-06-14
63Blasphemy - Live Ritual - Friday the 13th2018-07-11
91Antichrist Siege Machine - Promo MMXVIII2018-07-19
97Siege Column - Inferno Deathpassion2018-08-16
35Revenge - Deceiver.Diseased.Miasmic2018-12-07
54Primitive Warfare - Primitive Warfare2019-01-18
16Pissgrave - Posthumous Humiliation2019-03-01
68Sankara - Total Liberation of the Human Race2019-03-10
19Panzerfaust - The Suns of Perdition, Ch. 1: War, Horrid War2019-06-14
33Sabaton - Blood of Bannockburn2019-06-14
60Diocletian - Amongst The Flames Of A Burning God2019-08-16
69Abysmal Lord - Exaltation Of The Infernal Cabal2019-08-16
62Antichrist Siege Machine - Schism Perpetration2019-08-26
13Teitanblood - The Baneful Choir2019-10-18
61Antichrist Siege Machine - Purifying Blade2021-10-08
52Archgoat - Worship The Eternal Darkness2021-11-26